Bachelor of Commerce
B.Com. I (Semesters – I & II)#
There are 210 seats for this course. Reservation policy of the Punjab Government will be followed for admissions. The admission is open to a student who has passed in the subject of English and passed one of the following examinations :
- +2 examination or B.Com Part-I (old scheme) of Panjab University with three of the following subjects securing at least 45 per cent marks in the aggregate:-
Accountancy/ Book keeping and Accountancy, Accounting for Business, Advance and Foreign Exchange, Advanced Mathematics & Computer Applications, Applied Mathematics, Auditing, Banking, Banking and Trade, Book keeping and Accountancy, Business Economics & Quantitative Method, Business Mathematics, Business Organization/Business Management/Theory and Practice of Management/ Management Business Studies, Business Statistics, Business Studies II, Capital Market Operations, Commerce/ Theory of commerce/Foundation course in commerce, Commercial Geography, Computerized Accounting II, Cost Accounting, Derivative Market Operation, E-Commerce, Economic Geography, Economics, Elements of Accounting, Elements of Cost Accounting, Elements of Cost Accounting and Auditing, Entrepreneurship, Factory Organization / Office, Administration, Financial Accounting, Financial Market Management, Fundamental of E-Business, Human Resource Management, Income Tax, Informatics Practices, Insurance/General Insurance/Life Insurance, Introduction to Financial Markets, Investment Management, Legal Studies, Management and Marketing of Insurance, Management of Bank Office, Management of Resources, Marketing, Marketing and Salesmanship, Marketing Management and Retail Business, Materials Management, Mathematics, Mathematics (B), Mercantile Law/Company Law, Modern Office Practice-II, Office Communication, Office Management and Secretarial Practice/Office Organization and Management, Office Procedures and Practices, Organization of Commerce, Principal of Management & Economics, Principles and Practices of Life Insurance, Retailing, Secretarial Practices and Accounting, Shorthand, Statistics, Store Accounting, Taxation, Theory and Practice of Commerce, Type Writing, Typewriting and Stenography/ Computers (for typewriting).
- 10+2 examination with at least two of the subjects mentioned in (a) securing at least 50% marks in the aggregate.
- 10+2 examination who does not get covered in (a) and (b) securing at least 55% marks in the aggregate.
- Any other examination equivalent to (a) or (b) or (c) with requisite percentage of marks.
- The admission shall be on merit. The merit for this purpose will be determined on the basis of the score of the candidate to be computed as follows :
- Percentage of marks in the qualifying examination;
- Add score of 2 for each of the subjects passed from the subjects referred in (a) above not exceeding 8 in total.
- Compartment cases in 10+2 will be admitted provisionally.
- B.Com. course with inter-disciplinary option is available in the college. In the first semester a student may opt any three subjects of 4 credits each. As per the regulations of NEP-2020, in addition a student will opt for MDC, AEC, VAC, SEC, PBI / HCP in the first semester. These courses will be allotted to the students as per the options available in the college.
B.Com. II (Semesters – III & IV)
The admission is open to a student who has passed B.Com. I of the Panjab, Kurukshetra, Guru Nanak Dev, Punjabi or Himachal Pradesh Universities with corresponding subjects or has earned due credits as per Panjab University rules in B.Com. I Examination of Panjab University. Midterm Inter-University Migration is not allowed in Commerce Classes.
B.Com. III (Semesters – V & VI)
The admission is open to a student who has passed B.Com. II of the Panjab, Kurukshetra, Guru Nanak Dev, Punjabi or Himachal Pradesh Universities with corresponding subjects or has earned due credits as per Panjab University rules in B.Com. II Examination of Panjab University.
#Panjab University, Chandigarh is in the process of implementing the curriculum framework of NEP 2020, therefore admission will be done as per the applicable norms for UG 1st year students